Thursday, August 23, 2012

If you really knew me:

If you really knew me..

1) you would know all of my movies are listed in alphabetical order.

2) you would know I cannot go to bed without washing all of my dirty dishes.

3)you would know it bothers me immensely if I have to leave my house and my bed is not made.

4) Jodi Picoult is one of my favourite authors.

5) I am doing a cross stitch that is going to take me 10 years that my awesome friends Courtney and Joey like to call my "twilight porno". Which it is not. There are no boobs, vaginas, or penis' in the picture. 

6) I have recently switched from drinking regular pepsi to drinking diet pepsi, or diet caffeine free pepsi. If I even drink pop at all. And the best part is that i like it. If this was a year ago I would be laughing at the thought of liking diet pop. 

7) in the last 3 weeks I have watched 7 seasons of How I meet Your Mother, one season of Bones, and 3 seasons of The big bang theory. 

8)I am being orientated to a new floor in september and I really hope it is maternity. I want to be in my comfort zone again. I want to watch midwives do their work.

9) I want to be a midwife.

10)And I like owls. Cute decorative owls.


  1. YOU'VE WATCHED HOW MANY SHOWS IN THE PAST THREE WEEKS?! Are you even working up there in nowhere land? :)

  2. I know. It is pathetic. I don't have a life. I have also done two 500 piece puzzels in the last 24 hours. I am now on the ultimate awesome level.

  3. you need to add that at time u order large mochas with your besties and that randome events like fishing n going on walks are your favourites

  4. ps melena posted above comment
